this is me...

this is me...
it's a cartoon, because i'm drawn much hotter than if you saw me not drawn.

Friday, October 29, 2010

3 days removed from the blade

Yep, I am 3 days removed from surgery and doing well.  I just wanted to say thank you to all of my awesome friends that are loving on my babies and helping out during this time of recovery.  I am restricted to lift no more than 15 pounds for the next to weeks.  However, both my babies are over 15 pounds.  So, many of you have offered to jump in and care for these awesome kids.  Thanks so much...gratitude cannot be expressed fully in a blog...but, you know who you are and you must know how much I love you all.

As for my health, I am feeling pretty well.  Pray that I can continue to get 64 oz. of fluid down each day and my protein shakes [included in the 64 oz.].  Also, pray that I stay strong.  Being on a liquid diet for this week and the next days is going to drain some energy.

Thanks, friends...

Much love,

Monday, October 18, 2010

Looking Kind but Being a Jerk

Yeah, we've all done it. Found a way to get out of a situation we were uncomfortable with while looking like we were taking the high ground. Here's my example today.

I was sitting where this elderly lady was sitting in a hospital waiting room. I should have known better to begin with. It's a corner seat. And a corner seat lends itself for someone else to sit directly facing your side (enter the lady in red). I thought to myself, "hmmm, this shouldn't be too bad. I can handle how this violates my spacial boundaries between me and strangers." but little did I know...she would start rocking back and forth breathing in deep breaths and letting out deep sighs. I already feel like everyone in a hospital is an outbreak monkey: you know, the epidemic-disease-carrier in the movie outbreak. Rent it. It's worth the watch. Now I've got one breathing on my neck every airborne illness I can imagine.

Now, enter a sweet old lady with a cane. Yeah, I most certainly offered my seat as though I was being kind. Truth is: I was free!!!! Free to go to the comfy chair 'Sanchez' (as the nurse called out) just got up from. The chair where there wasn't an outbreak monkey breathing down your neck.

I wish I could say I feel bad. But I don't. I should. Anybody else been there?
Posted from Blogium for iPhone

Thursday, October 14, 2010

IN NEED OF a BIG way!!!

So, many of you may know that my life has been a whirlwind for a couple of years...well, it's not stopping here.  Things have gotten pretty crazy and I am in NEED of 2 THINGS:

Our childcare arrangements have recently changed...we have been a little spoiled by having a dear friend come to our house on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  However, this friend got a new full time job...(YAY!) but, that means we need to adjust.  I have childcare in place through the end of OCTOBER.  But, here is the need...Either/OR:

  • Someone to watch our kids from 2:15pm-4:30pm on Tuesdays and/or Thursdays.  You could either come to our house and watch them there or I will bring them to your house if that's more convenient...and for the most part, this is their NAP TIME. 

If you can only do ONE of these days, you have no idea what a help this would be.

How could you not want to spend some time with these CUTE BABIES?!
GOOD NEWS!  I got the call that my insurance has approved my gastric sleeve surgery.  It will be TUESDAY, OCT. 26th.  I will be in the hospital for 2-3 days.  This is something that will give me the opportunity to regain health and quality of life that I have been lacking.  I was diagnosed as a diabetic in my pregnancies and suffer from chronic hypertension [high blood pressure].  This surgery will allow me the reduction of BMI that can significantly reduce or RESOLVE my diabetes and high blood pressure COMPLETELY.

Because I am going to be in the hospital for 2-3 days, I am in need of help with my children.  Chris is still working out what days he might be able to take off from work [if any]...and will need help while I am in the hospital.  Also, I will have a weight lifting restriction for weeks 1 and 2 following my surgery.  I cannot lift anything OVER 15 pounds.  So, when I am home from the hospital, I will need help those weeks, too, considering my children are both over 15 pounds. 

Please comment if you are willing and able to help any of these times.  This is a season that I feel called to go through and have seen my church family BE the church.  I have been BLESSED beyond what I can repay or offer any of you. And, here I find myself in need once again so that I can be the best me for my family and what I ultimately see being for the glory of my God.

If you cannot help physically, I sure would appreciate your prayers, too. There have been times where I have walked through life only because of the prayers of my brothers and sisters in Christ.

THANKS for reading.
THANKS for caring.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

NOT for the Weak-Stomachs...

Well, for those that have been asking, yes, I am having a bariatric surgery to lose weight.  And now I have a tentative date for the surgery...pending insurance approval and such.  October 12, Tuesday, is the day.  I have included a diagram of what I am getting done.  It's called the gastric sleeve.  They vertically sleeve your stomach to only hold 1.5 to 2 ounces of food and then REMOVE the remaining stomach.  This means the surgery is 100% NON-reversable. 
BEFORE PHOTO, exaggerated

I truly desire your prayers for me during this time.  The last time I remember weighing 151 lbs. was when I was in the FIFTH grade.  So, this is definitely going to be a BIG life change for me.  I am excited and scared all at the same time.  I can't wait to start a healthy life with my family.  I truly have a shot at RESOLVING my diabetes and high blood pressure altogether.  How awesome is that?!  And, don't worry.  I will keep you updated with before and after picture stories galore.

BEFORE PHOTO, somewhat normal
Thanks for reading.  Thanks for caring.  Thanks for praying.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Let ME Help...

You ever have one of THOSE days? You know, when nothing seems to go right? My daughter taught me a lesson today.

I know. Shocking.

I was watching her try to learn how to stack blocks. Simple enough for me. You put one on top the other; balance it; voilĂ ! Done. Move on.

However, I watched her FREAK out in a whiny cry every time she couldn't get the balance part. I was so empathetic towards her.

I've been there.
Tried to figure out something new.
Can't. Do. It.
Slowly lost my ever loving mind.
Threw whatever I was working on.
Cussed silently underneath my breath.
Then. Tried. Again.

I wonder how many times God is looking at my life and my tantrums.

I wonder how many times He's saying,

"it'd be so much easier if you'd let ME help."

Thanks, Cadee-Bug for a lesson that keeps me on my knees begging for help.

Friday, August 20, 2010


when have you been gut level honest?
don't you just hate when someone says, "let's be gut level honest"...and then is only "skin level" honest?!
i do.  i need people to rebuke me.  to tell me truth.  and i value it a million times over if it's said in love.
just saying...
what are your thoughts?

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Happy in Innocence

One of the greatest things about being a new mom is seeing life though our child's eyes. I love how Cadence 'discovers' her world. Just like this photo.
Now I could be embarrassed and never share this with the world. It is a private matter...however, the weirdest thing happened. When I saw her reach in the box to pull out the tampons, she didn't respond the same as me.
She is not aware of what she's holding. What purpose they serve. (Although, she does kind of look like she's trying to decide on super versus light absorbency).
She just found a box....that had something that she could dump out and put back in. She does this everyday with her blocks and legos. Why should this be different?
You and I both know why it's different. It wasn't intended to be a child's toy.
I know this sounds silly, bit it made me think:
"am I holding on to something that I don't know the full design, intent, and potential?
am I expecting most things in my life to be useful for only one purpose?"
Wow. I'm 31 and I've got some growing up to do. God help me.
Posted from Blogium for iPhone

What a Fat Girl Wants...

...surprisingly is not more food.  although, chuy's big as your face burritos and jack in the box tacos are awesome in their own right.  she wants what every other woman in the world wants.  to be loved.  to have a happy family.  to be good enough...

i have to ask myself...good enough for WHAT?  or is it WHO?

before you get hung up on whether it's right for me to refer to someone as fat, think deeper.
get hung up on why we crave so insatiably to be good...
and ever more disturbing...
good.  e. nuff.

any body else tired of trying so hard?  i want to be like my God...of which I am still learning of and knowing better each day.  but i want something more than just being good enough to impress Him.  the more i know of Him, He's not the kind that's impressed too easily or is looking to be.  as a matter of fact, He's the ONE who's trying to make the impression...

His HOLY impression on me.
so that i won't be straining for good enough...
but, that i'll be obtaining His good.