You ever have one of THOSE days? You know, when nothing seems to go right? My daughter taught me a lesson today.
I know. Shocking.
I was watching her try to learn how to stack blocks. Simple enough for me. You put one on top the other; balance it; voilĂ ! Done. Move on.
I've been there.
Tried to figure out something new.
Can't. Do. It.
Slowly lost my ever loving mind.
Threw whatever I was working on.
Cussed silently underneath my breath.
Then. Tried. Again.
I wonder how many times God is looking at my life and my tantrums.
I wonder how many times He's saying,
"it'd be so much easier if you'd let ME help."
Thanks, Cadee-Bug for a lesson that keeps me on my knees begging for help.
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