One of the greatest things about being a new mom is seeing life though our child's eyes. I love how Cadence 'discovers' her world. Just like this photo.
Now I could be embarrassed and never share this with the world. It is a private matter...however, the weirdest thing happened. When I saw her reach in the box to pull out the tampons, she didn't respond the same as me.
She is not aware of what she's holding. What purpose they serve. (Although, she does kind of look like she's trying to decide on super versus light absorbency).
She just found a box....that had something that she could dump out and put back in. She does this everyday with her blocks and legos. Why should this be different?
You and I both know why it's different. It wasn't intended to be a child's toy.
I know this sounds silly, bit it made me think:
"am I holding on to something that I don't know the full design, intent, and potential?
am I expecting most things in my life to be useful for only one purpose?"
Wow. I'm 31 and I've got some growing up to do. God help me.