Yeah, we've all done it. Found a way to get out of a situation we were uncomfortable with while looking like we were taking the high ground. Here's my example today.
I was sitting where this elderly lady was sitting in a hospital waiting room. I should have known better to begin with. It's a corner seat. And a corner seat lends itself for someone else to sit directly facing your side (enter the lady in red). I thought to myself, "hmmm, this shouldn't be too bad. I can handle how this violates my spacial boundaries between me and strangers." but little did I know...she would start rocking back and forth breathing in deep breaths and letting out deep sighs. I already feel like everyone in a hospital is an outbreak monkey: you know, the epidemic-disease-carrier in the movie outbreak. Rent it. It's worth the watch. Now I've got one breathing on my neck every airborne illness I can imagine.
Now, enter a sweet old lady with a cane. Yeah, I most certainly offered my seat as though I was being kind. Truth is: I was free!!!! Free to go to the comfy chair 'Sanchez' (as the nurse called out) just got up from. The chair where there wasn't an outbreak monkey breathing down your neck.
I wish I could say I feel bad. But I don't. I should. Anybody else been there?